So we have had a VERY busy winter. Soon after taking the photos in the previous post Adam received an offer for a permanent position with CH2M Hill. We had been house hunting and had found one that we liked. Okay, so now we have officially found EVERYTHING on Craigslist. It was a converted duplex with tons of space. But more on the house in the next post. With trying to get everything squared away with the house, the holidays, packing up and moving, I haven't had time to post. So here goes the update.
We went to Boise for Thanksgiving and enjoyed a great holiday with Adam's family. Both Evelyn and Gideon celebrated their 2nd birthday during November, so we had two birthday parties on top of the Thanksgiving bash. Adam's parents were in Atlanta visiting their son James and his family. George and Phin were disappointed to get to Grandmom and Pop pop's house and have it be empty.
George liked this game, but I think Evelyn has a sour face because he's not playing it "right".
"Bring on the Turkey!"
Then we had fun at the house with Gideon and family. It was a house full of boys with George (4) Phin (almost 3) Gideon (2) Spencer (10 months) and Tank (6 months).
Who doesn't look forward to Christmas? Upon arriving home from Idaho we went out and bought a Christmas tree. We wanted to cut one down, but you have to travel like 1 1/2 hours to get to any worthwhile trees. Next year, we might just get a permit in Oregon and pick it up on our way home from Thanksgiving. They have great trees in Oregon (not to mention, no sales tax). We decorated our little house, hung the stockings with care and made our Christmas lists. George wanted four things: (1) a Diego backpack (2) a Harry Potter Scene It game (3) a Twilight Scene It game, and (4) a Harry Potter wand. Okay, so Santa only came through on #4, but, a Twilight Scene It game? For a 4 year old? He hasn't even seen the movie. All in all I think the boys enjoyed their Christmas. I know I had a wonderful time savoring every one of my Andes mints. Plus I got a cool Flip video camera that I will be downloading video's from in future posts.
Sorry, don't know why the pictures are all fuzzy. Pretend you don't have your glasses on, then they'll seem normal.
Christmas morning--
Spencer loves his horse -- now if he could just stay on it.
Yeah! Harry Potter! I think he's on page 3. No really the kid can read like a maniac. He sits down each Sunday with the comics and reads almost every word (except for Doonsbury, where even I don't know half the words).
Phin and his trains. He loved this gift. He still packs up his trains into "Daddy Thomas" (shown open on the floor) and puts them under his bed. This after refusing to let him sleep with them under his pillow.
We'd never even seen the movie, but now it is one of our favorites. George can do a perfect impersonation of Russell, "My knee hurts!"
The Harry Potter wand as promised. And the glasses to match. He wore those everyday until they inevitably broke.
Adam's parents opening their 65th and 63rd presents. Man, for people who you think have everything, they sure get a lot of loot at Christmas.
Me and my honey on Christmas morning. Adam's parents got us these hats that say "Shut up, big mouth." I don't know if it was a message from them to us or a message that we should give to each other. In any case, I like the hats.
So that brings us to the end of 2009. I'll start on 2010 next week. Right now it's my bedtime (9:00).
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